How to Play Tambola ?

About Tambola

Tambola is a number based game.

It is very popular game but for some people it’s a new game.  People generally ask What is Tambola or What is Tambola game?

Let Learn How to Play Tambola.

Requirement to Play Tambola

  1. Number Caller Board
  2. Number Counters
  3. Tambola Tickets


Tambola is Played with 1-90 Numbers . Though there exist other variants of Tambola / Bingo which are played with 50 /60/75/90 numbers . A 90 Ball bingo is Similar to what we Call Tambola.

Steps :- 

  1. Host/organizer Distributes the Ticket with Number to All Players.
  2. Host / organizer (or a player) picks a number randomly and calls out the Number/CUE one at a time.
  3. If the announced number is present on a player’s card then player strikes out that Number on their tickets

It is a flexible game in terms of number of players, rules and prizes.

Number of players can be 3+ to even more than 1000 .

Rules & prizes can be twisted depending on host and making it more fun. Players play it with 1 or more cards/tickets simultaneously sometimes. While playing with family and friends during night or after dinner people call it a tambola Night.

Basic Rules and Prizes

  1. Early 5
  2. Corners
  3. Top Row
  4. Middle Row
  5. Bottom Row
  6. Full House

Apart from Above 6 major Dividends there are Other Dividends which we should keep based on the group Strength.

  1. Breakfast
  2. Lunch
  3. Dinner
  4. Minor
  5. Major


Claiming the Winning Combination

As soon as the Player have marked or cut the numbers of a winning combination on ticket. they have to call out the Prize they are claiming .

If the winning combination that you have claimed is correct, you will get the winning Prize as decided by the Host. If the claim is incorrect, your ticket will be declared Boogie. Once you are boogied, you can’t claim the same

You can watch the Below YouTube Videos as well for Detailed Explanation.

Winning Combination in Hindi

A New Way to Play Tambola Without Pen/Pencil